artist development 03
lessons & coaching
Part three of Artist Development involves Lessons and Coaching for the Artist.
Coaching, yes lessons. Now maybe you’ve never taken a formal training on piano. Maybe you never sang in the choir in elementary school. But you’ve had coaching, all your life from parents, teachers, collaborators and friends. When you think about it, many top stars out there: Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Barbara Streisand all have or had coaches.
They all have coaches and they are all at the top of their game. So for a musician who is in the garage, waiting for the phone to ring, telling me that he’s not gonna take any lessons cause it’s below him, I’m thinking… where’s that attitude coming from?
Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music. - Jimi Hendrix
What is Music Education?
As the name suggests, music education is the learning of all aspects of music as a separate field altogether. Many Artists have had no formal training but sometimes makes it difficult to express songs and song structures to other musicians, producers and co-writers. Music education consists of theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience. The main components of music education is everything from the history of music, musicians who have reached a respectable level, basic notes of music, different types of music, types of musical instruments, music theory, music composition, reading music notations, and many other intricacies about music itself.
In addition to learning music, smart Artists know that their success depends on much more than reading and performing notes. Many Artists will want coaches for their voice or their choreography, their business, or for pre-production before their get into the studio. If the Artist cannot perform certain functions for the business properly, it may cost them a lot. To hire session players is not cheap. To hire a bookkeeper is not cheap. To run a successful business, many individuals will try and fail. The more knowledge and education they have, the better their chances at success.
Entertainment business coaches are knowledgeable about working with artists, writers, and other creative professions as creativity coaches. As creativity coaches, they have been specially trained to deal with the issues that creative work often brings up: where to find ideas, how to decide what idea to work on, how to develop an idea, how to market creative work, how to find an artistic community, and so on. If an Artist is largely focused on enhancing and optimizing their creative work (writing, painting, screenwriting, poetry, pottery, dance, music, etc), then they should hire a qualified coach to springboard their entertainment career.