artist development 05
Attitude, ego, passion & grit
The importance of Ego and Attitude must not be overlooked. Many talented songwriters and musicians stall their career because of ego. Many artists fail because of a negative attitude. Maintaining and strengthening attitude and ego is a big part of artist development.
"Ego" is a Latin and Greek (ἑγώ) word meaning "I", often used in English to mean the "self", "identity" or other related concepts.
1. the “I” or self of any person; a thinking, feeling, and conscious being, able to distinguish itself from other selves.
2. Psychoanal. the conscious, rational component of the psyche that experiences and reacts to the outside world and mediates between the demands of the id and superego.
3. egotism; self-importance.
4. self-esteem or self-image.
5. (often cap.) Philos. the enduring and conscious element that knows experience.
Attitude and demeanor
Ego & Attitude
The importance of ego and attitude must not be overlooked. Many talented songwriters and musicians stall their career because of ego. Many artists fail because of a negative attitude. Maintaining and strengthening attitude
and ego, passion and grit are a big part of artist development.
Artists with a positive attitude are much more likely to succeed. The law of attraction works well in the music business. Ego may kill an artist.
Confidence is one thing but an explosive ego will do just that: explode.
Passion is what drives the artist. Without the passion, an artist will burn out and fail. If an artist doesn’t like staying up late, travelling a lot, waiting for their turn to overdub, or starve for the first few months, they should get out. This business does not have room for wanna-be artists.
Grit is how well an artist sticks to it. Many think that grit is an inbred trait and involves lots of patience.